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The three audio problem areas I'll tackle in this entry-level tutorial are as follows: removing transient noises like pops and clicks, 清理无处不在的背景噪音, 发出声音微弱的声音.

When I’m recording an event or tutorial, I generally can manage reasonably high-quality video. 通常情况下,都是声音在背后咬我一口. The causes are many and not worth exploring here; this tutorial is about what to do when your audio is suboptimal. The three problem areas I’ll tackle in this entry-level tutorial are as follows:

  • 消除短暂的噪音,如砰的一声和咔哒声
  • 清理无处不在的背景噪音
  • 发出声音微弱的声音


Adobe has done a fabulous job beefing up the audio tools in Premiere Pro CC 2019, so you can now execute many operations in Premiere Pro that traditionally required a trip to Audition. 许多操作, 比如平衡来自多个来源的音频, 包括对话, 背景音乐, 特效, 环境声, are better performed in Premiere Pro’s Essential Sound panel, 这也是伟大的快速修复许多音频文件.

然而, if you’re working with a single audio file of a single speaker—say, 摘自一篇政治演讲, 研讨会, or other recording—you get better control and superior visual input in Audition, 哪一种通常会带来更好的结果. 幸运的是, roundtrip editing in Audition is as simple as right-clicking the audio file and choosing Edit Clip in Adobe Audition (下面的图1). 这将创建一个单独的音频文件, 将其插入Premiere Pro时间轴, 并在“试听”中打开文件. 一旦你完成了试镜的工作, 按正常方式保存音频文件, and Premiere Pro will update the file in the timeline with the latest changes.


图1. 进入Adobe Audition


The first problem I typically tackle is removing transient noises like pops and clicks from microphones (or random camera clicks) from my audio. Though Premiere Pro has an Automatic Click Removal feature, 这对我来说从来没那么有效过, 所以我更喜欢《百家乐软件》的自动治疗功能.


1. Zoom into the audio file to isolate the click as much as possible. (If you’re not familiar with navigation in Audition, check this tutorial: go2sm.com/audition).
2. Select the transient noise as closely as possible (on the left in 下面的图2).
3. 选择自动治愈选择(Ctrl+U).

图2. 消除瞬态噪音与自动愈合

As you can see below “After” on the extreme right of 图2, Audition removes the noise and preserves that ambient sound beneath it, 而不是简单地插入一个完全沉默的时刻. 这是一个非常有效的工具.


Let’s examine the audio file we’ll use to demonstrate the next two steps, 如图3中右侧所示. 顺便说一下背景, the audio was captured in a ballroom at 流媒体 West via XLR audio from the soundboard, and I’ll be using it in some online training materials based on that session. Listen to the clips that accompany the article to hear before and after.

A quick glance tells you that there are (at least two) problems. 第一个, 在中线有轻微的生意, 这反映了音频文件中的背景噪音. I’ve definitely seen worse, but the noise would be noticeable to the average listener. The second problem is volume, with levels peaking at about -9 dB. Though producers differ in this regard, I like my peaks between -3 dB and 0 dB.

There are two other issues you can’t see in the waveform that I’ll also address below. 虽然我用的是马桶麦克风, 一些混响进入了音频, 我们会用新的试镜效果把它去掉. 除了, because this was the second 3-hour session I taught that day, 我的声音有点微弱和模糊. I’ll want to punch it up with compression to make it easier for online listeners to understand what I’m saying.

图3. Waveform on the right; Step 1 of noise reduction on the left

Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to use Adobe Premiere Pro's Auto-Ducking feature to streamline the process of balancing 背景音乐 with dialogue in your edited videos.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use Premiere Pro CC's Essential Sound Panel to automate the audio-ducking process in video projects that combine dialogue with underlying music tracks, speeding the process and potentially smoothing the mix as well.
This video tutorial demonstrates how to restore muffled sections of spoken audio using the Multiband Compressor in Adobe Premiere Pro CC or Adobe Audition.