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Tutorial: How to Make Your Logo Wiggle in Adobe After Effects 2015

The wiggle effect is a common look that editors use to enhance and add some randomness to a logo, 文本, 或图形. 本教程演示了实现这种外观的两种快速方法.

Welcome to this tutorial on adding a wiggle effect to your 标志 using Adobe After Effects Creative Cloud 2015. The wiggle effect is a common look that editors use to enhance and add some randomness to a logo, 文本, 或图形. 我将向您展示两种快速完成这种外观的方法.

首先,让我们从一个新的After Effects项目开始. I’ve created a composition that has a piece of stock footage as my background (下面的图1). As you can see in the video that accompanies this article at the 0:30 mark, 这段素材有一种快节奏的能量, 摆动效果会和这个完美匹配. 我有一个标志,它位于这个背景的顶部, 而现在, 这个标志没有任何形式的运动.

图1. 我们将在这个例子中使用After Effects的合成. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.


The first way I can add a wiggle effect to the logo is with the use of Expressions. In a nutshell, these are mathematical formulas that you can use to animate objects in After Effects. Now, it may sound daunting, but it's really pretty easy, and After Effects does the math for us.

Open the logo's Position properties by pressing the P key on the layer. Then, press the Option key (Mac OS) or Alt key (Windows) and select the Stopwatch button. You;ll see that the position values will turn red if you've done this correctly.

接下来,点击显示“变换位置”的区域. 在这里,我们将输入表达式. I'll type in "wiggle," followed by a formula of [4,25], as shown in 图2(下面). By typing this, I've told After Effects to wiggle the logo 4 times a second at a motion of 25 pixels.

图2. 进入表达式. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

Once you have your values entered, click outside of the box area to apply them. You can see a RAM preview of the effect in the tutorial video at 1:31. 现在,您可以根据需要调整公式. 当然, 我们也可以用关键帧手动完成, 但你可以看到使用表达式要快得多. There are a ton of complicated Expressions out there that you can use. Just do a search for "After Effects expressions" to start exploring them.

S用于视频、循环徽标甚至事件. 在你的下一个创意项目中尝试一下吧.

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