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On the go or in the living room, 体育和电子竞技视频观众是最苛刻和最热情的观众, 流媒体使得最大的比赛和最小的联赛都能得到传播.


Save your seat for 流媒体 NYC this May. 现在注册!

All the 新闻 That’s Fit for FAST

新闻广播是FAST发展最令人兴奋和增长最快的领域之一, 最近,BBC/AMC 24小时直播的FAST新闻频道宣布开播. Other legacy media news broadcasters, 比如斯克里普斯, 辛克莱, 赫斯特, 和《百家乐app下载》, have also entered the FAST news space, many of them with a focus on local content. 快速新闻的当前趋势和挑战是什么? 在本文中,几位领先的行业评论员提供了见解.

The State of Live Sports Streaming 2024

Live content is led by sports, 而球迷的胃口——就像对转播权的竞标一样——在日历进入2024年之际丝毫没有放缓的迹象.

Q&答:Adtaxi的莫里·沃诺夫说,流媒体电视的水平已经超过了美国市场的80%.S. 2024年的成年人

A new report by Adtaxi, one of the nation's fastest-growing digital marketing agencies, 显示,现在比以往任何时候都有更多的美国人默认将流媒体作为主要的观看内容来源. 聪聪Woronoff, Agency Director - Marketing 研究 and Consumer Insights at Adtaxi, 采访了流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒,了解了该报告的许多具体方面,以及随着流媒体行业的快速发展,调查结果揭示了流媒体的现状.

Review: Magewell Director Mini

Magewell's new Director Mini is a mini marvel. 这个5.5" "all-in-one" production tool with a $1,299街价可以混合多种输入,做画中画图形, 音频混合, 记录, 流媒体, 和更多的, as IEBA's Anthony Burokas explains in this in-depth review.



The 2023 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards

The readers have spoken! Here we present North America's top tech solutions of 2023, as chosen by the readers of 流媒体.

Q&答:Caffeine首席执行官Ben Keighran谈论以粉丝为中心的利基体育广播

Caffeine is a well-funded, newer live broadcasting platform for fan-focused, niche content for interactive viewing. With the platform now surpassing 40 million users, 其内容主要由长尾和地方体育节目组成. With $262 million in financing raised since 2016, 咖啡因正在成为“你在其他地方找不到的运动”的目的地.这个Q&A with Caffeine首席执行官Ben Keighran探讨了Caffeine在利基体育流媒体和盈利模式方面的独特方法.


Alexey Zaberezhniy, Video Solutions System Analyst at Oxagile, 讨论了为什么OTT是有线电视提供商和当地体育社区的未来.


任何流工作流程的强度取决于其最弱(或最少测试)的链接. The more massive the stream, 不幸的是, the larg­er the opportunity and the smaller the margin for error. So, 专家们对维持朝九晚五的正常运行时间和广播质量的架构需求和挑战有何看法? And what solutions do they recommend?

A Broadcaster’s Cloud Migration Primer


流媒体’s Trendsetting Products and Services of 2023


The State of Real-Time Streaming 2023

在本文中, 我们将看到2023年几个月后的实时流媒体状态, including several use cases that hold longer-term promises. But before we do so, here's a baseline definition of real-time 流媒体, 正如调查中使用的:实时流媒体是“以每个用户不到500毫秒的速度向数十万观众同步传输设备”."

Advertising, Bundling, and the Future of Premium Streaming

随着收费流媒体服务的低价广告层的到来, increasing aggregation and shape-shifting bundling options, 流媒体领域的持续变化正在改变消费者的行为以及付费电视和流媒体服务的采用. But what do the numbers say about emerging market trends? How are platform providers interpreting evident shifts, and does that translate into user experience innovation? And is there really a "Great Rebundling" afoot, as so many pundits have claimed over the last 6 months?

派拉蒙广告运营高级副总裁Jarred Wilichinsky谈论广告技术堆栈和策略

无情的广告技术世界意味着任何错误都可能导致数百万美元的损失. Ad tech is the key to a successful AVOD/FAST monetization strategy, 但是有太多的活动部分,要把它做好是一个挑战. Wilichinsky provides practical insight into what works, 什么不, and how ad-supported delivery compares to subscription offerings.


Jimmy Reid的事件流团队与流媒体的Tyler Nesler谈论他的公司在现场生产性能的改进,这要归功于他们升级到定制的Blackmagic ATEM 2m /E Constellation高清现场生产切换器套件以及他们过渡到Blackmagic达芬奇Resolve Studio 18编辑, 分级, visual effect (VFX) and audio postproduction cloud-based software.

The State of 在线直播 2022

毫无疑问,向流媒体的加速转变正在进行中——尤其是在体育界——而且这在美国可能发生得更快.S. than in any other market.

Review: Teradek Wave

Anthony Burokas reviews the new Teradek Wave, which combines bonding, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, 并在一个紧凑的设备中进行监控,用户可以使用Teradek在其7英寸触摸屏上的便捷流媒体应用程序进行控制.

The Complete Guide to Closed Captions

某些视频的字幕是法律要求的,但这是所有视频的正确做法. Beyond the ethical and accessibility considerations, it engages more viewers and makes smart business sense. Here's all you need to know about captioning today.

How to Build Enhanced Sports and 的电子竞技 Streaming Experiences

Even as fans return to the stands, 精明的体育主播意识到,家庭观众想要的不仅仅是比赛直播和球员统计数据. 福克斯体育、Cheesehead TV和球迷控制的足球联盟正在挑战极限.

Review: The Roland V-160HD Hybrid Event Video Switcher

虽然详细介绍此切换器的每个特性超出了本文的范围, here are the top 10 features of the Roland V-160HD, peppered with some constructive criticism for good measure.