Formats/Codecs/Protocols > 博客

In the quest to deliver video at higher quality and lower latency, 流媒体行业是不断变化的视频格式的家园, 编解码器, and delivery protocols. Look here for the latest news and trends in HEVC, AV1, VVC, CMAF, WebRTC, MPEG标准, 版税, just-in-time packaging, 和更多的.

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在竞争激烈的流媒体领域,争夺观众留存率的战斗继续加剧. Interra Systems的Anupama Anantharaman强调了端到端质量保证的关键作用, media QC monitoring, 而深入的视频分析在满足当今视频消费者不断升级的需求方面发挥着作用,为什么这些过程的作用变得比以往任何时候都更加重要.


传统的, controlled broadcast environments are being replaced by dynamic, 多个应用程序和服务必须和谐共存的复杂生态系统. 挑战在于保持提供者主要服务的质量, like linear TV with dynamically inserted ads, 同时适应第三方应用程序的各种需求和潜在干扰. Witbe的Yoann Hinard讨论了整个过程中面临的挑战, including remote monitoring, dynamic ad insertion, and QC testing across devices.

How Open Caching is Enabling Broadcast-Scalable Streaming Success

Qwilt的Rachel Kahana Samet讨论了开放缓存如何使广播可扩展的流媒体成功, especially for live sports broadcasting.

Instant Replay: 流媒体 Connect November 2023

流媒体于11月13日至16日举行了第12届Connect虚拟会议, with media industry cartographer Evan Shapiro as host and MC. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第三季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. 其他亮点包括与Shobana Radhakrishnan合作的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, Senior Director of Engineering at Google TV, 和几个小组讨论主题,如流媒体和CTV的云工作流程, Optimizing Live Streams at Scale, How Codec Patent Pools Will Impact Streaming in 2024, Making 在线直播 and VOD 更多的 Accessible, 在线直播 Technology Trends, 和更多的.


The video streaming market is booming, and as video streaming consumption continues to soar, 内容分发网络(CDN)技术需要快速发展才能跟上. Broadpeak的Damien Sterkers讨论了当前流媒体面临的挑战以及应对这些挑战的措施.

Codec Licensing and Web Video Streaming

约翰·C. 席梦思床品公司, Principal Engineer at John 席梦思床品公司 Consulting, 有限责任公司, discusses patent licensing for streaming, 鉴于最近德国法院对Broadcom v. Netflix案和Avanci宣布推出视频流媒体专利池.

Instant Replay: 流媒体 Connect 2023

ICYMI-流媒体于8月22日至24日举行了第11届Connect虚拟会议, with Evan Shapiro as host and MC, a cracking keynote from NBCUniversal VP Quincy Olatunde, 以及12场动态小组讨论,由行业知名人士分享他们的专业知识,主题涵盖OTT、FAST、生成式人工智能、新兴编解码器、边缘传输、大规模流媒体等. The full archived conference is available right here!

构建vs. Buy Dilemma: Why Media Companies Are Changing Their Approach

Eric Black of Edgio discusses the "build vs. 媒体公司推出新的流媒体平台的技术困境,以及为什么小公司需要与值得信赖的合作伙伴建立良好的关系,以承担完整的端到端解决方案的系统集成商角色.

The Video Captioning Conundrum

StreamShark的James Broberg讨论了为什么视频字幕对于视频内容的可访问性和增加观众的理解是必不可少的.

5 Great Reasons to Attend 流媒体 East

Jan Ozer will lead workshops, 演讲, and panels covering advanced 编解码器, gear for remote productions, WebRTC, 低延时, 并于5月23日至25日在波士顿的流媒体 East上降低带宽和存储成本.


广播行业最终可以从IP媒体工作流程中受益,而无需妥协. IP媒体信任边界消除了复杂性,使安全性成为一种竞争优势,而不是一个漏洞. 媒体公司终于能够在混合媒体和混合IP域环境中保护个人流. Welcome to the age of secure IP media technology.

How to Choose the Right Format for OTT Video Library Management

ProRes fits most cases, and IMF the rest, but whatever format you're using, metadata is key for efficient video library management.

Testing Wowza's Real-Time Streaming at Scale

Wowza新的超低延迟产品既可以提供RTMP流,也可以提供WebRTC流, with WebRTC outperforming the legacy protocol

JW Player's Dave LaPalomento Talks VP9, H.264及更多

H.264 still leads the pack, says JW Player's CTO Dave LaPalomento, but for more sophisticated publishers, VP9 offers benefits including bandwidth savings.

VVC's Adoption Hampered by Patent Uncertainty and Low Value

Unified Patents的一项研究表明,由于版税问题和技术变革,VVC不太可能得到广泛采用

Submit Your Nominations Now for the 2021 流媒体 50 List

我想确保你的公司被列入我们的年度最重要公司名单, 创新, and interesting companies in the online video space? Read on, and send in your nominations by August 27.


In today's video-streaming-centric world, 云OTT监控解决方案对于保持竞争力和满足每个屏幕上高质量视频内容的需求至关重要.

Operators Are Perfectly Positioned to Win the Streaming Wars

向流媒体的迁移为消费者带来了一系列全新的体验,也为运营商带来了令人兴奋的商业模式. 下一章是转向云原生媒体组件和媒体工作流. Operators are primed and ready to lead this change.

LCEVC: Ready for Primetime

低复杂度增强视频编解码器(LCEVC)已准备就绪. V-Nova is the primary developer behind the codec, 我们采访了公司首席执行官兼联合创始人Guido Meardi, both in terms of the technology and licensing structure.


微软宣布将从Windows 10中移除Adobe Flash,这无疑是给Windows 10的棺材钉上了最后一颗钉子, 但围绕Flash发展起来的基于rtmp的强大生态系统仍在蓬勃发展.