Video Production > News

今天的流媒体制作规模从通过网络摄像头捕获的即兴在线广播,并在公司防火墙内交付,到大规模的专业多摄像机制作,在全球范围内流式传输. With tutorials,  reviews, and analysis from leading producers, the content on this page looks at preproduction, audio and video capture, encoding, and especially the gear and strategies essential for successful streaming.

Save your seat for Streaming Media NYC this May. Register Now!

NAB 2024: Top New Tech for a Disruption-Ready Streaming Industry

来自NAB 2024的令人兴奋的新(主要是)人工智能驱动的工具和服务解决了非常具体的问题, 从拍摄伟大的iPhone镜头到自动创建短片,到提供实时低延迟翻译和字幕,到创建定制的广播节目,再到建立目的驱动的社交社区.

Is the AI Powering Your AI-Powered Gear Really AI?

在人工智能出现之前,许多被贴上“人工智能驱动”标签的产品都在做同样的事情. 但将它们熟悉的功能贴上“人工智能驱动”的标签,会让同样的技术看起来新鲜而创新.

Take Streaming Media's Spring 2024 State of Streaming Survey

The teams at StreamingMedia.com和帮助我流媒体研究基金会在春天提前发布了2024年春季版的流媒体现状调查. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. 今天接受调查,帮助我们了解流媒体行业在过去六个月里发生了怎样的变化.

Instant Replay: Streaming Media Connect 2024

流媒体于2月19日至22日举行了第13届Connect虚拟会议, 2024, with media industry cartographer Evan Shapiro as host and MC. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第四季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. Other highlights included a keynote by Dana McGraw of Disney, titled Disney Advertising, 了解受众:迪士尼广告如何利用数据科学和洞察力来增强广告商的能力, plus several panels covering topics such as app streaming UX design, scaling CTV advertising, measuring FAST success, and AI.

The End of NDI As We Know It?

NDI冒着在20码线上丢球的风险,浪费了他们在IP视频领域近十年的领先优势,因为他们没有强制授权商整合所有标准. 我写这篇文章是希望他们重新确立NDI标准的意义:即授权NDI, and display the NDI badge, a product must be 100% compatible.

Best of CES 2024


State of Streaming Autumn 2023 Survey Report Launches

最新版本的年度报告详述了“痛点”和增长模式, available for download now.

The 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards Finalists

More than 1,200 readers voted in 18 categories. We'll announce the winners in the November/December issue of Streaming Media, but here's a tease—the top three vote-getters in each category. And you just might be surprised at the names you see.

Take Streaming Media's Autumn 2023 State of Streaming Survey

The teams at StreamingMedia.com和帮助我流媒体研究基金会在秋季发布了2023年秋季版的流媒体现状调查. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. 今天接受调查,帮助我们了解流媒体行业在过去六个月里发生了怎样的变化.

UPDATED: Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro to Host, MC, and Moderate Streaming Media Connect Virtual Event, August 22-24

Streaming Media announced today that Evan Shapiro, self-described "media cartographer" whose incisive data presentation, analysis, 评论正在描绘流媒体行业和整个娱乐行业的未来, 签约成为下一届流媒体连接虚拟活动的主持人和主持人, which runs August 22-24.

Nominate Now for the 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

What's your favorite streaming tool, tech, or service? What is the year's biggest innovation? 现在是时候为在线视频行业中唯一由最终用户选择的奖项提名了.

NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera

BirdDog CEO & 联合创始人丹·米尔(Dan Miall)在NAB 2023的BirdDog展位上与流媒体的肖恩·林(Shawn Lam)一起讨论BirdDog X120, 一款新的NDI|HX3 20X PTZ摄像头被称为“世界上第一个Wi-Fi生产PTZ”,售价995美元.

NAB 2023: Datavideo Talks iCast 10 All-in-One Streaming Switcher

Datavideo的John Devries和Streaming Media的Shawn Lam讨论iCAST 10 NDI, an NDI-based switcher in this interview from the Datavideo booth at NAB 2023.

NAB 2023: Atomos Talks NDI and Shogun Connect

Atomos高级副总裁Paul Scurrell在NAB 2023的Atomos展台上接受了流媒体特约编辑Shawn Lam的采访,讨论了Atomos的新发展,包括NDI支持和Atomos Shodun Connect.

NAB 2023: Magewell Talks USB Fusion

MVD产品开发总监Ryan Brenneman在NAB 2023的Magewell展位上与流媒体的Shawn Lam讨论了USB Fusion多输入USB视频捕获设备,该设备集成了源交换和布局控制切换器.

NAB 2023: vMix's Tim Vandenberg Talks NVIDIA GPU Unlocking, SRT, and vMix 26

vMix运营经理Tim Vandenberg和流媒体的Shawn Lam讨论了通过GPU解锁的多流编码, SRT output, new mix effects and more in vMix 26 and more in the vMix booth at NAB 2023.

NAB 2023: AJA的Bryce Button谈论OpenGear Dante集成和Bridge Live

AJA的产品营销总监Bryce Button和流媒体的Shawn Lam在NAB 2023的采访中讨论了AJA的OpenGear卡与Dante Audinate和Dante A/V网络的集成以及AJA的其他新闻.

Veritone's GPT Video Producer 

Veritone's new product, 自动化工作室——在NAB 2023上获得IABM奖——是一个生成式人工智能工具,可以与客户的内容库和资产存档一起工作,以识别然后从描述中创建视频粗剪

Premier Media思想领袖Evan Shapiro将在流媒体东2023大会上发表闭幕主题演讲

At this year's Streaming Media East, 备受尊敬的娱乐行业“媒体制图师”埃文·夏皮罗将发表闭幕主题演讲, "The Mind Of The Modern Media Consumer,他将在会上讨论媒体生态系统的最新数据和背景,并对该行业的下一步发展方向提出很好的看法.


由于与ARwall的独特合作关系,韦伯斯特大学成为中西部第一所拥有最先进的虚拟生产设施的大学, a Metaverse 100 XR technology company.