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内容交付网络正在不断发展, 向去中心化和边缘计算模式发展, and content owners need to be aware of the content delivery trends and strategies that will help them get their content from origin to the last mile. 在这里,您将找到CDN新闻和趋势的最新报告, 以及CDN市场走向的分析.

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Streaming Wars: End-to-End Quality Assurance and Video Analysis Gives Streaming Service Providers the Upper Hand

The battle for audience retention continues to intensify in the highly competitive streaming realm. Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems highlights the critical role that end-to-end quality assurance, media QC monitoring, and in-depth video analysis play in meeting the escalating demands of today's video consumers and why the role of these processes is becoming more crucial than ever.


Traditional, 受控的广播环境正在被动态的广播环境所取代, complex ecosystems where multiple applications and services must coexist harmoniously. 挑战在于保持提供者主要服务的质量, 比如带有动态插入广告的线性电视, while accommodating the diverse requirements for and potential interference from third-party applications. Witbe的Yoann Hinard讨论了整个过程中面临的挑战, 包括远程监控, dynamic ad insertion, 以及跨设备的QC测试.


Streaming Media presented its 12th Connect virtual conference November 13 - 16, 由媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗担任主持人和主持人. 夏皮罗以充满活力的主题演讲拉开了会议的序幕, digging deep into the Q3 earnings call data to hold the spin doctors accountable and giving an unvarnished view of the industry. 其他亮点包括与Shobana Radhakrishnan合作的《百家乐app下载》, 谷歌电视的高级工程总监, and several panels covering topics such as Cloud Workflows for Streaming and CTV, 大规模优化直播流, 2024年编解码器专利池将如何影响流媒体, 让直播和视频点播更容易获得, 直播技术趋势, and more.


This article by Lindsay Van Kirk of Operative spotlights recent developments in revenue management technology, and how cloud-native and modular approaches are enabling media brands to unify their existing systems and deliver faster ROI. Kirk offers practical insights and advice for media professionals navigating this dynamic landscape.


视频流媒体市场正在蓬勃发展, 随着视频流媒体消费持续飙升, 内容分发网络(CDN)技术需要快速发展才能跟上. Damien Sterkers of Broadpeak discusses the current challenges with streaming and what measures to take to face them.


Netflix (NFLX) is the only major streamer to build out its content delivery network infrastructure. Netflix has invested roughly $1B over the past decade in a once-secret project called Open Connect that is proving to provide long-term strategic value to the company's balance sheet. 


ICYMI--Streaming Media presented its 11th Connect virtual conference August 22-24, 由埃文·夏皮罗主持, 来自nbc环球副总裁昆西·奥拉通德的精彩主题演讲, and 12 dynamic panel discussions featuring industry luminaries sharing their expertise on topics ranging from OTT to FAST to generative AI to emerging codecs to edge delivery to streaming at scale and more. 会议的完整存档在这里!

Top Three Reasons Why Quality Monitoring is Critical for Cloud-Native OTT Streaming

With the sharp rise in cloud migration and the increasing unwillingness of viewers to tolerate video streaming quality issues, Joel Daly of Telestream outlines the top three reasons why quality monitoring is critical for cloud-native OTT streaming.


Brad Altfest of Agora discusses Netflix's move into live sports streaming and the challenges they and other established platforms face in managing large-scale live-streaming events.

The Build vs. 购买困境:为什么媒体公司正在改变他们的方式

Edgio的Eric Black讨论了“构建vs .构建”. buy" tech dilemma for media companies launching new streaming platforms and why smaller companies need a good relationship with a trusted partner to take on the system integrator role for complete end-to-end solutions.


随着流媒体服务继续给娱乐带来革命, it's essential to understand what consumers value most about these platforms and what it means for the industry's future. 尽管Netflix的密码管制占据了最近的头条新闻, data analytics company Premise highlights research that shows affordability to viewers as a more pressing concern.

The Need for Root-Cause Analysis, Error Correlation, and Multipoint Monitoring in Streaming Video

Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems discusses the reasons for the lack of adequate implementation of root-cause analysis, 这给QC和监控解决方案提供商带来了挑战, 多点监测如何应对这些挑战, and the consequences streaming providers face when they don't deliver high-quality content.

In the Accelerating Shift from Linear to CTV, Advertisers Must Prioritize Progress Over Perfection

Rose McGovern OF DIRECTV shares her insights on the rapid shift from linear to CTV and why advertisers must prioritize progress over perfection in their strategies.


Cint的Nubyra Ahmed强调了在CTV中使用人工智能的好处, 比如减少欺诈, 更好的受众定位, enhanced ad tech, and more.


Aaron Zitzer of Storj evaluates how Netflix overcame its challenges with cloud video storage and how today's video streaming platforms can take that knowledge and replicate it with technology currently available.

Netflix的下一步计划:通过广告重新构想流媒体 & Content Models

Samba TV的Ashwin Navin讨论了Netflix的方式, 尽管最近出现了一些问题, has the legacy and the leverage to continue to reinvent the distribution model to find new ways to extend the value of its multi-billion dollar content investments.


Younger audiences are consuming TV programming in ways rooted to social media and mobile consumption. 亨宁•温泽尔写道,要保持竞争力, 流媒体提供商必须使用整合良好的移动服务.


As streaming increasingly becomes the preferred consumption model for some of the world's most-watched content, 人们对高质量和出色的用户体验的期望越来越高.


Chris Harris, 泰雷兹EMEA技术总监, discusses the best approaches for enabling DRM to protect intellectual property, 比如控制回放, region locking, and paywall screening.


Streaming Media West将于11月15日至16日在亨廷顿海滩回归, 11月14日与流媒体大学研讨会. 报名现已开放.