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What are the biggest challenges to delivering successful large-scale interactive live streams, 特别是实现所需的低延迟, 以及适用的技术解决方案?

Tim Siglin,创始执行董事 帮助我流研究基金会 and Contributing Editor of 流媒体, talks with Oliver Lietz, CEO of nanocosmos和Motoworlds的首席执行官达西·洛林兹,在这段视频中 流媒体连接2024, 关于现实世界的交互式流问题, 如何解决这些问题, and how to deliver high-quality user experiences from traditional streaming to the metaverse.

西格林首先问了列茨, “What are some of the challenges that interactivity throws into the mix that your company has seen, 如何建立解决方案模型?”

Lietz stresses the importance of maintaining a stable signal for interactive use cases, 即使在低分辨率或低比特率的情况下. “即使视频掉了, 你仍然需要音频, but even audio can be a very low resolution and a very low bit rate just to keep up the monetized video stream to be able to bet or bid on these events,他说. “And that's a bit different from broadcast environments w在这里 you want the highest possible quality on a 4K screen.他强调了技术灵活性的普遍必要性. “你需要根据正确的技术进行调整,”他说. “Like WebRTC, but [they are] difficult to adjust on these different network situations. 这就是为什么会有自适应比特率, 哪种广播技术是成熟的, 但这也适用于超低延迟的直播. 至少对我们来说是这样, we really turn the quality data down as [much as] possible but keep a live stream running with the lowest latency possible. If the network goes back up again, you might tune it up again to a high resolution. 这是关键, 无论发生什么, 如果你是通勤的, if you're on a bad network…you need to have a constant live stream, 否则你会失去连接. 也可能是这种分布式直播的货币化.”

西格林说:“百分之百正确. You want to provide variability in your encoding ladder so that if you have someone who starts high and drops to low, 还是回来.他问洛林茨, “When you're talking about interactivity in the spatial or the metaverse, you're also having to tie it to things like avatars or worlds that don't exist. What extra challenges do you end up with in that as you've approached it?”

Lorincz讨论了创造实时游戏的挑战, 虚拟世界中的互动体验, including the need for avatars to have realistic conversations and for scenes to unfold in real-time based on user preferences. “The one that I'm finding most challenging right now is how to talk to a language model and have it talk back to me like we're having a real conversation,他说. “You see these agents and avatars now being pretty real-time and pretty human, 但如果你不能和我说话, 它会立即打破这种体验, 现在你要走了, “好吧, 这只是一个糟糕的化身体验.’ So you now have to actually have the avatar thinking that it's feeding back in that language model, 在网络的某个地方. And it's got to have a conversation in real-time like we're having right now.”

He presents a specific example of an emerging highly advanced video from text AI model. “他们刚刚推出了一种新的东西,叫做 索拉, which is going to now create on-the-fly scenes, literally video development as you go,他说. “所以你穿过这些超世界, 它在你面前展开是基于你想看到的, 同时你们也在交谈. 这些都是没人想到过的新元素. 现在,它实际上是实时展开的. How does anything understand what it's looking at in terms of the scene or the frame? 所以这个世界将会有很多新的挑战.”

He notes that while gaming has laid some groundwork for these challenges, the scale and complexity of the metaverse present many new problems to solve. “Fortnite, 我的世界, Roblox…they have to figure this stuff out…we have millions of people in servers. 你如何穿越这些服务器? And t在这里's so much in the metaverse that's about problems we've solved in other industries that are at scale that we've never even thought about before. 你从没想过会有10个,000人在一个服务器上, 都在体验一场音乐会或一场虚拟活动. 这种情况现在一直在发生. 他们互相交谈,与机器人和虚拟化身交谈. 所以这是一个有趣的挑战.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Globo Handles Latency Costs for Live Sports Streaming at Scale

当涉及到大规模实现流媒体技术时, 高赌注的体育直播, often decisions around managing latency are driven as much by cost concerns as network conditions, 观众的期望, 诸如此类. 全球数字产品,平台 & Adtech Manager Jonas Ribeiro reveals the latency Globo delivers on typical sports streams at scale and what factors into those numbers in this discussion with Eyevinn Technology's Magnus Svensson at 流媒体连接2024.

同步和. 延迟——在企业和体育流媒体中更重要?

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